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Jason Stone

Foundation Stories: The Corner Shop

In the latest edition of Foundation Stories, we caught up with Anna Hashmi of The Corner Shop during a day trip to Amsterdam, and found out everything there is to know about Anna and the company she founded.

There are some Foundation Stories where you sense the company was created out of a crucible of burning ambition, and then there are stories like Anna Hashmi's where it was clearly more a case of the universe lining the ducks into a helpful row without her knowledge. The resulting company may have been birthed through happenstance, but that certainly doesn't mean it isn't a force to be reckoned with.

Originally hoping to be a screenwriter and battling with imposter syndrome throughout her time in the advertising and film industries aren't necessarily the factors you'd expect to shape a shrewd and highly-regarded figure in the world of film production, but that's exactly what happened with Anna Hashmi, and we hope you enjoy listening to her story.

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Posted: 10 February 2025 - 16:30
The Corner Shop

The Corner Shop

Established in 2013 by producer Anna Hashmi and director Peter Thwaites, The Corner Shop is a little taste of London, where its founders hail from. It's a boutique kind of place; dedicated to creativity and also to developing new talent - which is always a sign of a good production company. In the few years since it opened, it has cemented a reputation for strength and dependability in the industry and just keeps on winning award after award.