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TV Spot

The Times

"Unquiet: Bearing Witness"

23 November 2014

3 mins 20s

A dose of realism

There was an incredibly realistic sequence during last night's broadcast of Homeland on Channel 4 but it had nothing to do with the trials and tribulations of Carrie Mathison.

Rather than a scene from the programme itself, it was a mesmerising version of the 'Bearing Witness' film from the excellent Unquiet series for Times newspapers that caught viewers' attention with a real-life story of imperilled journalists. The job of a foreign correspondent has never been more dangerous, and there's little doubt that Anthony Loyd and Jack Hill have risked their lives to report what's happening in the Middle East.

This tension-ridden account of their kidnap is all the more terrifying in the light of the recent murders carried out by Islamic State and it offered a sobering dose of realism to last night's proceedings.


National Newspapers

CD: Phil Lind
Director: Phil Lind
Sound House: UNIT
Sound Design: Rich Martin
Review posted: 24 November 2014 - 11:22
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